Help Promote

summerfest posterThere are many ways you can help us promote Vegan Summerfest!


Posters are a great way to let others in your area learn about this important educational event. They can be displayed at the following locations: food co-ops, vegetarian events, health food stores, health practitioner’s offices, fitness centers, environmental meetings, animal rights meetings and others.  Either print out our poster, or email us a request  and we will send you printed posters.


We can supply you with colorful flyers that contain the full details for the Vegan Summerfest.  It’s an easy way to introduce the conference to friends and family.  The flyers can also be distributed at appropriate events (i.e. health fairs etc.)


Please consider placing one of our Vegan Summerfest banners on your website to help us reach as many people as possible.


Arrange to have our display ads placed in the newsletters of any groups or other associations with which you are affiliated.  These ads are also suitable for other publications such as newspapers etc.

Thank you!  We appreciate your help.