Speaker Form

We are pleased that you will be participating in the educational program of Vegan Summerfest 2024, it is  the 50th anniversary of the North American Vegetarian Society. This event will be held at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, PA from Wednesday, July 10th through Sunday, July 14th.

We are collecting speakers’ topics for the program and request you to fill out the form below:

Covid Policy

    * Denotes a required field.

    I plan to arrive on campus:

    I do not know yet when I will arrive

    I plan to depart from campus:

    I do not know yet when I will depart

    Please list your suggested presentations:
    (Note: we may not be able to schedule all your proposed talks. We will let you know which ones we will be using in the program.)

    Add Another Presentation

    Only press the submit button after adding all of your presentations.