Vegan Summerfest Staff Form

    Please read carefully and respond to the questions below:

    Vegan Summerfest Staff Form - July 10 – 14, 2024

    Contact Information

    Conference Information

    I would like to work in the following department (Please indicate first, second and third choice)

    Willow Hall: These air-conditioned apartments have 4 single rooms, two full bathrooms, a living room, and a kitchenette. There are a few apartments that have three single rooms and one double room instead of four single rooms.

    Regular Residence Halls: Non air-conditioned traditional student housing with two rooms sharing bathroom facilities.

    Work Hours Required

    Below are the number of hours that are required to work off all registration and accommodation costs.

    Workers arriving early (before the conference starts) and or staying late (after the conference ends) will be expected to work additional hours to help set up and (or) breakdown the conference.

    Hours required for staff working in the following departments: Food Demo, Bookroom, Registration, Information Table, Cafeteria Monitor

    • 33 hours of work for a single room

    • 31 hours of work for a double room

    Hours required for staff working in the Children's Center

    • 27 hours of work for a single room

    • 25 hours of work for a double room

    Discount Rates for Classroom Monitors (Ticket Takers)

    • 20 hours of class room monitoring (ticket taking) are required to reduce conference costs by $300.

    Sometimes it is difficult to schedule departments on Sunday, because some staff members need to leave early. It would be helpful if those of you who are able to, could stay until after dinner on Sunday. If accommodations are needed for Sunday night, they will be available.

    Covid Policy